I think we've all been here before and worse.. 
Step 1 ~ Breath, eat chocolate.
Step 2 ~ Detangle one at a time, eat chocolate
Step 3 ~ Cut wings off of card board box and cut one inch into board. Insert cord, wrap to other end, cut another inch into board and insert end of cord... eat chocolate. YOU DID IT! Now dance and brag to anyone that will listen, You organize your Christmas lights!
I have been dreaming of having my very own place to raise our kids, chickens and raised gardens. But now that I am here "overwhelmed" does not even come close to describing how I feel. I have so many people, places, ideals and plans calling for my attention. I have placed several wonderful quotes around the house with topic of being "selective to be successful", focusing and prioritizing but some days, like today I feel like scream at each and every one of those "wise" saying, that I live in the real word and dirty laundry, healthy breakfast, forgotten lunch and slapped together dinner and the kids pulling on my clothes while screaming in my ear don't understand "prioritizing"!